Why we created Casamera: The world’s softest bath essentials and everything we learned in the process.
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Living in Egypt, before moving to the US, we noticed a remarkable difference in the quality of home linens. It seemed like every item we purchased was made of poor quality and without much consideration for the end consumer. This was true for the more expensive brands sold at big-box retailers as much as it was true for the less expensive brands sold on Amazon.
Today more than ever, we’re more mindful of our well-being, health and what we choose to consume. There are apps constantly reminding us to take more walks and organic food options are highlighted on every shelf in the grocery store.
As humans we crave routine to feel safe(r) and we clasp onto basic habits that end up defining who we are. So isn’t it worth being mindful of the basics we rely on every single day?
Our obsession with quality and our deep-seated roots in the textile industry made us determined to solve this problem. So we did. We launched our project almost one year ago and it was a massive success.
It was also a HUGE learning experience for us. For example, we learned that the seemingly ubiquitous “Egyptian cotton” is actually one of the rarest strands of cotton on the planet.
Companies use low quality material (read: microfiber and polyester) and label it as Egyptian cotton to make their inflated prices seem reasonable. This is so hard to detect without expensive DNA testing that even Target and Walmart were duped.
We also learned that this practice is driving the Egyptian cotton industry into extinction. Learning this, coupled with the knowledge that locally sourced linen products easily outperformed their counterparts in the US (by enduring longer, and remaining soft for longer) made us mad, excited and very determined.
So we decided we were going straight to the motherland. We visited century-old factories, got to know the farmers and witnessed their hard work first-hand.
Did you know that cotton farmers still pick each individual cotton ball by hand? They do this to ensure that none of the stems or leaves get in the way of softness.
This same attention to detail and obsession over quality is what led us to create our newest product: The Casamera Bathrobe.
Like all of our products, the Casamera Robe is woven purely with high-grade Egyptian cotton. It’s breathable, engineered to endure, and can be worn year-round; keeping you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Theres also another +20 features and benefits that are bound to impress!
If you’d like to purchase one or want to learn more about what makes the Casamera Robe awesome, feel free to join the waitlist by clicking [here]
Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or shoot me a message if you have any questions or comments.
About us
CASAMERA was created by two quality-obsessed best friends with the goal to create bathroom essentials that perform as great as they look. Our mission is sustainability after comfort.
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